Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 4 - Dec 30

Indian singer - worship song to Jesus  (this was so moving!)
Worship dance - Guy on left dances smooth!
Worship song - hakuna song (this was THE theme song for Urbana--Loved it!)

Dear God of Light who reveals through the Word,

Praises to You Mighty God who saves!  Day 4 at Urbana was amazing.  I witnessed this India style worship music that was so moving.  Loving how God can turn anything for His glory.  A couple of nights before as I was dwelling on this issue of calling, I happened to be the last one on the school bus on the way to Parkway hotel.  I felt led to ask the bus driver how I can pray for him.  He didn't answer my question, but in turn asked if he could pray for me.  I told him what I told everyone else, and he said as long as you feel at peace/comfort from your prayed decision, then go.  God answers in many ways.

We also witnessed many videos that showed the evil in the world.  At one point as I was sitting near the front of the dome, I could hear deep wailing by someone in the upper seating area.  It got me thinking about how God shapes each person to have the heart of God.  Some have more of a heart toward poverty than others, some toward environmental care, some toward trafficking, etc.  Where's my heart O God?  What am I most passionate about?

by the way, has anyone ever heard of Victor Allen coffee?  Apparently that's to Canada, like starbucks is to America?!

That night I heard Sunder speak.  He gave an amazing speech on prayer. Notes below:
  • When you pray, address the: Sovereignty of God, Creator God, God of revelation (Ps 2), God who speaks
  • Note the prayer in Acts 4, once sovereignty of God is addressed, they pray not for protection but for boldness!
  • Pray in a way that Scripture already speaks about (ie: pray that your "Joseph" will do his work with excellence that he may be raised up.  pray that your "Paul" will sing songs to God throughout his prison stay and use his time in creative Christ-exalting ways.  For example, in Egypt it's illegal to give free Scripture--solution:sell them!  In Egypt it's illegal to proselytize--solution:advertise!)

That evening, during family group, I noticed all my prayer requests were centered around prayer, being faithful in prayer, being consistent in prayer, networking with people (who in turn prayed for me).  God is good.  Also Martin invited some other roommates named Gideon and Lucas.  All 6 of us did family group time and at one point where we were to pray for each other, I suggested we pray Korean style, which I never done before but only heard about--where each person prays out loud, at the same time!  And that we did!  It was amazing!!  I noticed how each of us got louder, like a bell curve in stats.

Thank You Lord, for informing me during Urbana, and networking with different people to see how You are working in the world, and to imagine in what ways i can take part in Your kingdom causes, in Jesus Name, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'm just a random passerby who forgot the verses Sunder talked about that night regarding the different attributes of God we should address when we pray...I kinda used google and your blog popped up lol
    Also wanted to say that as a Canadian, I have no clue who Vic Allen is...nor do my friends who came with me to Urbana lol. I think he meant to say Tim Hortons since that coffee shop is absolutely everywhere in Canada and they even had some for free at the Canadian Lounge in the Hilton @ Ballpark hotel where they put most of the Canadians during Urbana...I believe Tim Hortons also has branches in NYC.
    Anyways, thanks for reminding me of the verses. =)

